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Lilias Gillies House

169 Tollers Lane, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 1BJ
01737 668112 | email 
High support service | CQC registered


  • Shared lounge, kitchen, garden area, therapy room and group room spaces

  • 1:1 psychotherapy each week

  • 1:1 key work sessions

  • Weekly therapeutic programme​

  • Resident training opportunities

  • ​24-hour accommodation (waking nights)

  • Mixed gender

  • Adults 18+

  • 15 ensuite-bedrooms

  • On-site psychotherapist

  • Dedicated social worker

CQC inspected and rated good RGB_edited.

“When our residents feel empowered, it is quite amazing. Recently three residents led an entire psychosocial group. I felt like I needed to start minuting the group to recognise their achievements. From being in such a difficult place to now holding a space and creating a plan that benefits the entire community. It was wonderful!” Kelly, Team Leader at Lilias Gillies House

About Lilias Gillies House

At Lilias Gillies House, our live-in support workers are available throughout the night if needed. The community is located in a quiet residential area in Coulsdon. Each bedroom has an ensuite bathroom, and there’s a large kitchen that is perfect for preparing meals together.


We have a newly decorated lounge filled with comfortable furniture where we host therapeutic groups during the week. The community has a spacious garden designed with numerous social areas, such as an outdoor fire pit and a sheltered outdoor space. Additionally, there is a separate therapy room that offers privacy for one-on-one psychotherapy sessions, and a calming sensory room provides a quiet space to retreat.   

Meet the team

Lena Norman.jpg
Lena Norman

Service Manager

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Joey Vines


Kelly Howard

Team Leader

Community photos

A view of Lilias Gilles' Garden

The garden area

Staff at Lilias Gilles House

Lilias Gillies staff

A resident bedroom at Lilias Gilles House

A resident's bedroom

Two chairs and a table

Our therapy space

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