Our communities
We operate seven residential communities in London and the South East, each designed as a Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE) - supportive spaces that provide containment and integrate trauma-informed practices into care, promoting understanding, support, positive relationships, and personal growth and recovery.
Treatment & recovery pathways
Each person’s treatment and recovery pathway is unique, and is tailored to their experiences and background. Residents regularly work with a key worker to develop their Recovery Plan and establish strategies for community engagement and daily task management. Many of our communities have a dedicated social worker, and we offer regular one-on-one psychotherapy sessions on-site with the Community Psychotherapist.
Community engagement and activities
Residents actively participate in the management of the community by sharing communal responsibilities such as cleaning, cooking, and decorating shared spaces. They can also participate in group therapy activities, such as psychosocial groups, art psychotherapy or horticultural therapy. Alongside the running of the community, residents also organise opportunities for day trips, therapeutic retreats, and group social activities—like coffee mornings or theatre outings—during regular community meetings.
Resident training opportunities and co-production
Residents can participate in training, become peer mentors, participate in recruitment panels for new staff, share their perspectives during staff inductions, and join various organisational committees, including the fundraising committee, and our induction and move-on working groups.
Journey to autonomy
Residents typically stay with CHT for two to three years. During this time, we support them in developing more responsibilities and autonomy, preparing them to transition to semi-independent flats and, eventually, full independence. With our support, most residents achieve stability within 18 months. ​Last year, 70% of our residents who moved on found lower-level support or independent housing, and 33% were engaged in work, education, or training.
To find out more follow the links below to find out more about each service and to make a referral.
"I enjoy all the activities and go to everything available. I really enjoy being out and being with people that like spending time with me" CHT resident
High support communities
Providing 24-hour waking support. CQC-registered
Therapeutic Recovery Communities
24-hour sleeping support
Semi-independent move-on flats