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Our impact

Since 1994 we have supported over 2,000 people experiencing acute and prolonged mental distress or the long-term impact of compound trauma through our therapeutic communities. Our approach reduces hospital readmission rates and improves the long-term health outcomes of our residents, the majority of whom achieve stability during the first 18 months of their stay with us.


Download our 2023 - 2024 impact report here. [coming soon] 


Our year in figures

we supported


people through our seven residential communities

we saw a


reduction in hospital admissions among residents over 15 months

we saw a


reduction in incidents among residents over 15 months


of those who moved on were in lower support or independent living


of our residents were in education, employment or training


of our residents were engaged in external groups and activities


we worked with


local authorities and NHS Trusts across the UK



people attended our specialist mental health training



of our residents told us they would recommend us to others*

*Residents who responded to our annual resident satisfaction survey

“Since I've been here I've not had a single hospital admission. Because I've had that support and that knowledge that there's people who want to help me work through those difficult days. It's so nice to feel supported and feel free at the same time, which I didn't have for a long, long time before I came here.”

CHT resident

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